Thursday, November 28, 2019

Top 10 Soft Skills for Customer Service Jobs

Top 10 Soft Skills for Customer Service JobsTop 10 Soft Skills for Customer Service JobsThe customer service industry requires employees to have a number ofsoft- orinterpersonal- skills.Whether you interact with customers in person, on the phone, or via email or online chat, its important that you be able to relate to others on a human level and that they feel as if they are interacting with someone who genuinely cares and wants to solve their harte nuss. Developing unterstellung skills and emphasizing them in a job interview can help you rise above the job market competition. For more customer service skills (hard and soft), visitour articlefor an extensive list. What Are Soft Skills? Soft skills are the personal attributes, personality traits, inherent social cues, andcommunication abilitiesneeded for success on the job. Soft skills characterize how a person interacts in his or her relationships with others. Unlikehard skillsthat are learned, soft skills are similar to emotions or insights that allow people to read others.unterstellung are much harder to learn, at least in a traditional classroom. They are also much harder to meaaya and evaluate. Soft skills include attitude, communication,creative thinking, work ethicteamwork, networking,decision making, positivity,time management, motivation,flexibility,problem-solving,critical thinking, andconflict resolution. Hybrid skillsare related to soft skills in that they include a combination of non-technical and technical skills. What Soft Skills Do You Need to Work in Customer Service? Clear Communication Clearcommunicationis essential to customer service. You need to know what the customer wants and be able to articulate what you can do for the customer. Enunciating, speaking loudly enough, and employing an upbeat tone will help you communicate clearly and positively with your customers. These skills are essential in phone communication as well. If you write or email with customers, be sure to use proper grammar and spelling and choose words and phrases that convey a similarly upbeat attitude. Verbal CommunicationWritten CommunicationPositivityEmotional Intelligence Listening Skills Listening skillsare just as important as communication skills. Listen carefully to customers to know exactly what they need and how you can help them. Demonstrate that you areactively listeningthrough body language and responses. Nod when you understand something, make eye contact, etc. Dont be afraid to ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand the other person. An important aspect of customer service is simply making the customer feel heard. When youre talking on the phone, dont interrupt customers, and carefully respond to all of their questions. Nonverbal CommunicationOpen-mindednessCourtesyInsightful Questions Self Control People who work in customer service need to be able to calmly handle all customers, even the most negative ones. You must strive to remain calm and cool, even when you r customer is not. Patience and self-control will keep you from getting upset and saying something inappropriate. Remember to try not to take it personally when the customer is upset. When the customer is angry, its even more important to stay calm and try to tone down the conversation. Problem SensitivityBearingPatienceStress ToleranceFocus Positive Attitude A positive attitude goes a long way in customer service. Make sure you know all of the benefits of the products or services your company providesand convey them to your customers. If customers have a problem with a product or service, focus on what you can do to help them. While you dont want to seem overly happy when a customer is upset, being proactive and optimistic can help a customer stay positive too. BearingEmotional IntelligenceVocal ToneEncouragementAdaptabilityProactive Assertiveness When dealing with customers, you want to be able to take control of the situation and do what you need to do in an efficient manner. If you are meek or passive, customers may not have faith in you. However, you also dont want to be aggressive or demanding, which can offend customers. By speaking in a strong, steady voice, asking direct questions, and keeping track of what you need to do, you will convey confidence without being aggressive. ConfidenceBearingVersatilityQuick ThinkingArticulate Conflict Resolution Conflict resolutionis essential when working in customer service because you deal with many customers who have a problem that needs to be solved. It is important for you to be a creativeproblem solver. Always make sure you understand problems clearly and offer customers realistic solutions. Think creatively often you will need to think of solutions that fit the needs of a specific customer. If you cannot find a solution that works for a customer, help her locate additional help. If you need to, escalate the issue to someone else who can solve the problem. Follow up with the customer to make sure the issue has been resolved. Customers will appreciate your interest in their problem and your willingness to help in whatever way possible. Examples of conflict resolution skill include MediationFacilitationAccountabilityNegotiationDiplomacyEmotional Intelligence Empathy It is important to understand what customerssay and also how they feel. An important soft skill is being able to recognize and understand a persons emotional state. If you struggle to convey empathy, think about being in that customers position. How would you feel? How would you like to be treated? What would you feel like if you had the same problem the customer did? These questions will help you to identify with and better assist your customers. Emotional IntelligenceCompassionActive ListeningLife SkillsOpen-mindednessEncouragement Depersonalization While you should be friendly with your customers, remember that you are not there to share your life story. When a customer explains an issue he is having, there is no need for yo u to respond with your own, related problem. A simple I understand or I know how you feel can make the customer feel understood and appreciated. Customers want you to focus on helping them. Stress ToleranceBearingLeadershipIdentityEmotional Stability Taking Responsibility This is a big part of working in customer service, and that includes being able to say, Im sorry, whether its for a late shipment or the poor quality of a product. You have to be able to sincerely apologize to a customer on behalf of your company even when the problem was not your fault. Hearing an apology almost always makes a customer feel better. ApproachabilityHumilityActive ListeningRepeating the Customers Words Back to ThemEmpathyIntegrity A Sense of Humor This can make a potentially stressful customer-service interaction more enjoyable. If a customer cracks a silly joke, she will appreciate it if you chuckle along with her. However, make sure you are never laughing at a customer, such as when they make a mis take or have trouble with something. Instead, laugh with your customers. Problem SensitivitySocial SkillsImaginationStress Tolerance More Soft Skills for Customer Service PoiseSensitivityMemoryStudent MentalityInitiativeFast LearningDiligenceQuality AwarenessLie DetectionPersonableTactAssessmentEfficientFlexiblePersuasionMotivatedFollow InstructionsCritical ThinkingFeedbackAppearancePeople OrientedAttention to DetailTeamworkCollaborationAttentivenessCalmTenacity How to Make Your Skills Stand Out Add Your Most Relevant Skills to Your Resume Once you read the job listing and understand the requirements of the position, you will have a better sense of the skills you should highlight in your resume. Make sure to include these skills in your summary (the most relevant) and work history.Highlight Your Skills in Your Cover Letter You can also incorporate them into yourcover letter. Include one or two of the skills mentioned above and give specific examples of instances when you demonst rated these traits at work.Use Skill Words During Job Interviews Finally, you can use skill words in yourinterview. Keep the top skills listed here (and the top skills included in the job listing) in mind during your interview and be prepared to give examples of how youve exemplified each.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Traffic Information System-Broadcast Explained

Traffic Information System-Broadcast ExplainedTraffic Information System-Broadcast ExplainedTIS-B,or Traffic Information System-Broadcast, is a data broadcasting service that allows aircraft operators to receive besucherzahlen information in near-real time. Along with its lebensgefhrte system FIS-B, TIS-B is being offered at no cost to ADS-B users as part of the FAAs Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). TIS-B is a besucherzahlen reporting system that uses ADS-B ground stations and radar data to transmit aircraft position data to aircraft cockpit bildschirms. In essence, TIS-B will allow pilots in the cockpit to see what the air traffic controller sees - other aircraft, along with those aircrafts altitudes, direction, and speed vectors on their aircrafts display screen. How TIS-B Works TIS-B data is transmitted from a ground station to all ADS-B equipped aircraft, whether the aircraft uses a 1090 MHz ES link or a 978 MHz UAT data link. The traffic information is ta ken from radar sensors on ground stations and broadcasts through ADS-B data links to aircraft. The aircrafts ADS-B receiver will interpret the data and display it onto a screen in the cockpit. The actual interface on which TIS-B will be displayed will vary with the various different types of avionics on the market today, but it will most likely be incorporated into a flight management system or an electronic flight bag (EFB) to some standard degree. Typically, traffic is displayed as a small triangle with a line showing the aircrafts direction and speed, and the altitude readout somewhere next to the aircrafts triangle icon. Equipment Pilots who want to receive TIS-B information on their airplanes must be equipped with a compatible ADS-B transmitter (ADS-B Out) and receiver (ADS-B In), or a transceiver (both). ADS-B requires a WAAS-enabled GPS receiver and a transponder when one is not already included with the ASD-B unit. A compatible cockpit display (CDIT) is also needed to di splay the traffic in graphic format. Limitations There are a few limitations that exist with TIS-B that pilots should be aware of when flying TIS-B is advisory in natureTIS-B is only available within the service areas configured for TIS-B and while within the coverage area of at least one ATC radar unit.Radar lags behind ADS-B when it comes to updates. Since ADS-B updates about once per second and radar updates every three to 13 seconds, its possible that aircraft pilots might see a target of their own aircraft when maneuvering before ATC is aware of the same target.TIS-B uses both ADS-B data and radar data. At times, the messages received from ADS-B and radar can be slightly different from each other and interpreted inaccurately. This can result in duplicate traffic figures on the display. Aircraft must be equipped with an operable transponder to appear as a target on a display. The FAA warns pilots that TIS-B is not a replacement for standard traffic separation and avoidance t echniques. Unlike TCAS, TIS-B does not give traffic collision guidance and traffic avoidance maneuvers are not authorized. Pilots should remember that traffic avoidance maneuvers are not authorized as a response to TIS-B displays, and ATC violations may occur in the event that a pilot deviates from his or her assigned instructions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top List of Resume Essentials Career Advice

Top List of Resume Essentials Career AdviceTop List of Resume Essentials Career AdviceThink of your resume as the paper or electronic version of your best friend and supporter. You know who were talking about, the guy or girl who supports you all the way and says glowing words of praise about you to everyone who will listen. The more your human ally knows about you, the more accurate his accolades will be, and the same is true about your resume. Here are five elements to include in your resume that will make it a terrific ambassador on your behalf.Make koranvers your contact information is appropriate and correct. Dont provide a cell phone number that you never answer or furnish an email address that should have been left behind when you graduated from college. If possible, open an email account specifically dedicated to your job search and choose your email account address with this in mind. is much better than Use the same rule to app ly to your voice mail message, which should be concise and professional.Think carefully about your resumes title. No, Resume isnt good enough. Instead, tailor your title to the exact job you are seeking. These days, the more you customize your approach to fit the companys needs, the better are your odds of landing the position.Craft your objective statement to mirror the job at hand, as well as your more long-term goals. It helps to look carefully at the job description and then neatly fit your talents and experience into it.Toot your own horn. Even if this is your first professional position, you have already amassed significant abilities and skills. If you have been praised for balancing a budget, increasing revenue, being conscientious, scooping ice-cream faster than anyone else at the shop or otherwise getting positive customer feedback, make it known. Anyone can spout off a long list of talents. Set yourself apart from the talkers by actually showing how your abilities were not iced and how they made a difference.Appearance matters. It is just as important that your resume creates a professional impression as it is that you dress for success when going to your job interview. plan your resume with a clear, concise and easy-to-read format and font. Make sure that all spelling and grammar are correct and that every word counts. If you have doubts about the impression your resume might make, take it to your local career center or invest in a consultation with a career professional.Once you have given your document the consideration and polish it deserves, youre ready to distribute it to potential employers. You can send it out, secure in the knowledge that it will be an accurate and impressive mouthpiece that will communicate who you are and why the job is a perfect match with your goals and skills. Thats all you can do now the ball is in their court.